CPP/DataType Converter

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Revision as of 23:16, 7 July 2010 by FirstPerson (Talk | contribs)

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#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::stringstream;
struct ConversionError: std::exception{
	ConversionError(const std::string& from, 
					const std::string& to
					: exception( ("Failed to Convert From [" + from + "] to [" + to + "]").c_str() ){}
template< typename ReturnType, typename InputType>
ReturnType convertTo(const InputType& input){
	std::stringstream strm;
	strm << input;
	ReturnType val = ReturnType();	
	if( (strm >> val).fail() ){
		throw ConversionError( typeid(InputType).name(), typeid(ReturnType).name());
	return val;
//for illustration purposes
struct Coord{
	int x,y;
	Coord(): x(), y(){}
std::istream& operator <<(std::istream& i, const Coord& c){
	//for illustration purposes only, will cause the stream to fail when extracted
	return i;
int main(){	
	//regular conversion
	float f = convertTo<float>( string("123") + ".456" );
	string s = convertTo<string>(f) + "789";
	cout << f << endl;
	cout << s << endl;
	//Conversion Fail
	Coord c;
		int i = convertTo<int>(c);
		cout << i << endl;
	catch(const ConversionError& e){ cout << e.what() << endl;}
	return 0;